Lead auditor ISO 9001 Quality Management System Auditor

The course aims to provide basic knowledge and training for the preparation and direction of Quality Management System audits.
The course leads through a practical study of regulation 9001:2008.
Main criteria, approach and methods to evaluate the procedures of identification of client’s requirements (explicit and implicit), as well as the applicable cogent are thoroughly illustrated. The added value is evident in examination of improvement plans and indicators for processes and products monitoring. A significant part of the course is dedicated to group work, study case analysis and role-playing.
The final exam consists of various tests and it results in an accredited certificate for those who pass it. Otherwise, all the participants will be given an attendance certificate, independently from results.
Appropriate candidates for this course are professionals, consultants, company managers in this sector and management systems auditors.
The program and contents, teachers’ competency, exams and case studies have been defined in accordance with regulation RG-02 AICQ-SICEV.

The course program:

  • ISO 9000 regulations and their evolution to series  ISO 9001/2008 and ISO 9004/2009
  • Quality terminology
  • Principles of Quality Management
  • Systemic approach to quality management
  • ISO 9001:2008 Requirements analysis
  • Applicability of cogent requirements
  • Client satisfaction: criteria and techniques  for monitoring
  • Continuous improvement and Deming cycle
  • Accreditation regulations for specific sectors (EA 28 – 34 – 38)
  • UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 and the application

Minimum requirements for candidates:

  • Secondary school diploma
  • Attendance and certificate of basic course ISO 19011 e ISO 17021.